Who We Are?

The Black Professionals Network (BPN) is a social network for black and minority ethnic professionals to connect with each other.

What We do?

We provide services that enable black and ethnic minority professionals to connect and influence their career and the workplace.

Our Vision Statement


On the 13th August 2019, the co-founders of BPN, Frank Arko-Tharkor and Poku Osei, launched the Black Professionals Network in Bristol, after researching the views of over 100 black and ethnic minority professionals in Bristol about their needs and aspirations. Based on the needs established, BPN has been established to achieve the following.


Inspire excellence amongst black and ethnic minority professionals in the UK.


Provide services that enable black and ethnic minority professionals to connect and influence the workplace in the Southwest of England and beyond.


1. Contribute to the reduction of unemployment and underemployment of black and minority ethnic professionals within the South West of England and beyond.

2. Seek to reduce the lack of diversity and inclusion of black and minority ethnic professionals in management roles within the South West of England.


1. Enable – Provide our members with access to professional development courses and progression opportunities needed to transform their careers. These will range from: knowledge seminars, CPD training and recruitment opportunities.

2. Connect – Support our members to build their social capital through online and offline platforms. These include quarterly networking events, sector insight activities and leadership Q&A events.

3. Influence – Facilitate opportunities for our members to influence labour market policies affecting ethnic minority people. These include media features, government and local authority lobbying and accountability events.

Find out how you can get involved by contacting us on email theblackprofessionals@gmail.com